Javascript Knowledgebase: Randomising DOM elements
In the HTML before the script
<div id="myDiv0">a</div>
<div id="myDiv1">b</div>
<div id="myDiv2">c</div>
<div id="myDiv3">d</div>
<div id="myDiv4">e</div>
In the HTML after the divs
function randomInt (min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
Array.prototype.xshuffle = function(unsort) {
// Unsort is the number of items you don't want shuffled, starting from the beginning
var len = (this.length)-1;
var i = len;
while (i>unsort) {
var p = randomInt(unsort,len);
var t = this[i]; // Assign data at original location i to var t
this[i] = this[p]; // Assign original location i the data of random location p
this[p] = t; // Assign original locaton i's data to random location p
// Effectivly, We've chosen an array location at random and swapped it's content
// with that of the content at location i
i --;
itemArray = new Array();
itemArray[0] = "Hello";
itemArray[1] = "there";
itemArray[2] = "World";
itemArray[3] = "it works";
itemArray[4] = "today";
for (var i=0;i<itemArray.length;i++){
var divid = "myDiv"+i;
var actual_div = document.getElementById(divid);
// If the div exists in the DOM AND something exists in the array
if (actual_div != null && itemArray[i]){
//document.write("actual_div = " + actual_div + "divid = " + divid + "<br>");
actual_div.innerHTML = itemArray[i];
} else {
// Else remove that DIV from the page
</script> |