Outputting XML scoretables for display in Flash
If the Flash game has built in Hi-score display (such as this one), compared with an external HTML Hi-score display (such as this example), then there needs to be a method of getting the scores to Flash in a way it understands. The best way to do this is with XML. A server-side script is needed to putput this in the correct format when called, and the games from Galaxy Graphics follow one of two methods for the required XML format.
XML Scores Type A
Where the score follows the name, with one node per item. Sample XML is below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
The PHP code snippet that generates this is as follows:
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
echo "<scoretable>\n";
echo "<name>".htmlspecialchars(trim($myrow["name"]))."</name>\n";
echo "<score>".htmlspecialchars(trim($myrow["score"]))."</score>\n";
echo "</scoretable>";
Note this code already assumed you've connected to your database and run an SQL Query to list the scores in order.
XML Scores Type B
Where the score and name are in the same node, with the name as an attribute of the score. Sample XML is below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<score xname="John">35478</score>
<score xname="Carl">38721</score>
<score xname="Bob">40161</score>
The PHP code snippet that generates this is as follows:
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
echo "<scoretable>\n";
echo "<score xname=\"".htmlspecialchars(trim($myrow["name"]))
echo "</scoretable>";
Note this code already assumed you've connected to your database and run an SQL Query to list the scores in order. |