Stop Bird Flu ! - A viral Flash game
Stop Bird Flu! is a topical game designed around the growing threat of a bird flu pandemic, this game is split over 4 levels, starting in Thailand and progressing through China, Turkey and England. The object of the game is to shoot as many birds as possible before the virus reaches Europe. Let more than 25 birds escape the cull and the virus and game level move to the next country.
Viral games such as this can help draw more traffic to your website and keep your visitors entertained. Have
a look at this games and see how they can help increase
your website's visitors. Click
here to play "Stop Bird Flu !"
Use the power of viral emails and word-of-mouth to gain more traffic for your site. People pass these games on and on and on..
Break the fake! A game variant case study.
The subject of fake pottery from the far east is an important one in the Potteries, Staffordshire (England). This variation on the bird flu game sees the player destroying truckloads
of fake pottery instead. The far east setting of the bird flu game provides a perfect backdrop for this variant, and it demonstrates how easily one game developed by Galaxy Graphics can be adapted to fit in
with another theme, industry or website.

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