Viral Games : Making your site and product known
Viral Games (adgames, advergames), is the term given to that aspect of marketing (typically online marketing) whereby the advert is spread and distributed by the users, usually via email, forums and the use of "send to a friend" forms. The advergame typically includes branding for the intended product, and may also incorporate product or service themes directly into the gameplay. Galaxy Graphics can create or licence you high quality flash advergames for your marketing campaign. With the right mix of gameplay, graphics and theme, the potential for a successful campaign is high. Advergames can also be used to :
- capture visitor information
- record trends and metrics
- promote brand and identity
- display adverts and marketing messages
Supporting digital marketing agencies.
Whilst we often supply games
directly to the customer, we also do a large amount of work for other online digital marketing agencies. These agencies have all the in-house skills for online viral marketing except one : no flash games designer. This is where we come in, and much of our work has been high profile projects have been created on behalf of larger marketing agencies, for very large corporate customers. However discretion and supply chain confidentiality prevent us from saying which games and for who, but you may spot some of our games out there.
Outsourcing our game development to Galaxy Graphics enables us to provide our customers with high quality games for their online marketing campaigns 
Mark Hammersley- Koruconcepts
Flash game development : Actionscript, graphics and sound
If you have some of these facilities in-house, then we are happy to support the ones you need. Many games have been created using customer supplied graphics and sound effects, with Galaxy Graphics supporting the actionscript development side.
Flash game development : Source code
OK, so you've got all the resources in house to create and modify graphics in Flash, and you're quite happy making changes to the native flash file as well?
In that case, we can sell you the source code to any of these games featured on this site if you desire, enabling you to fully manage the rest of the project within your own design department.
Further Information :-
Flash Game Licensing FAQ - your questions answered
Flash Game Licensing Terms & Conditions