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Technical InformationFlash and Actionscript Knowledgebase

Topic links below are for the most frequently asked questions about Flash, Actionscript, Flash-Javascript interaction and Flash games. In addtion there is also an article on Flash games, the iPad and HTML5.


  1. Missing accented characters in dynamic text fields
  2. Picking up Flashvars in AS3 and AS2
  3. Adding looped music to a game in AS3
  4. Calling external Javascript functions from Actionscript (AS3/AS2)
  5. Preloader doesn't work / runs backwards to infinity

SWF Files

  1. Opening a SWF file email attachment
  2. Flash shows a quote mark " when you want an @ symbol
  3. Showing something to Apple iOS users in place of Flash
  4. Embedding a SWF file within a HTML page
  5. Centering a SWF file within the page using HTML
  6. Detecting Mobile devices and directing users to the App store in place of the Flash version

Game high score tables

  1. An overview of how high score tables work
  2. Using MD5 encryption
  3. XML scoretables
  4. Scoretable does not display at all, even if the PHP works OK.
  5. Scoretable used to display, but now has stopped working
  6. Using SQL to group scores by name (or group by any parameter)

Javascript / JQuery

  1. Randomising elements within the DOM
  2. Loading and accesing a simple JSON file

Other questions

  1. Comparing Flash games, App games and HTML5 games
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