Flash and Actionscript Knowledgebase
Topic links below are for the most frequently asked questions about Flash, Actionscript, Flash-Javascript interaction and Flash games. In addtion there is also an article on Flash games, the iPad and HTML5.
- Missing accented characters in dynamic text fields
- Picking up Flashvars in AS3 and AS2
- Adding looped music to a game in AS3
- Calling external Javascript functions from Actionscript (AS3/AS2)
- Preloader doesn't work / runs backwards to infinity
SWF Files
- Opening a SWF file email attachment
- Flash shows a quote mark " when you want an @ symbol
- Showing something to Apple iOS users in place of Flash
- Embedding a SWF file within a HTML page
- Centering a SWF file within the page using HTML
- Detecting Mobile devices and directing users to the App store in place of the Flash version
Game high score tables
- An overview of how high score tables work
- Using MD5 encryption
- XML scoretables
- Scoretable does not display at all, even if the PHP works OK.
- Scoretable used to display, but now has stopped working
- Using SQL to group scores by name (or group by any parameter)
Javascript / JQuery
- Randomising elements within the DOM
- Loading and accesing a simple JSON file
Other questions
- Comparing Flash games, App games and HTML5 games